Apr 9, 2022Liked by Arbitrage Andy

Come on, they literally have the serial numbers of the Tochka-U missile, a type only the Ukrainian army uses, that match both the one dropped on a Donetsk marketplace in March and this one at the train station, I’m not saying the Russians aren’t committing atrocities but this isn’t one of them. This is another attempt to drag NATO further into the conflict, just like the “Russian attack” on the nuclear power plant, and the “Russians” shooting and killing reporters, not to mention U.S. Intelligence officials coming straight out and saying “yea we lied about Russian chemical attacks”. Like I said it’s all but certain Russia has violated international laws and done evil things but we can’t burn the truth just because the story is convenient.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Arbitrage Andy

There is a strong belief that Russians would not commit such atrocities and as long as they continue to believe such myths, there will be no change and Russians will happily “give” their lives for the greater aim of “denazify” the Ukraine.

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Arbitrage Andy

All I’m searching for is the truth, like I said, I’m not doubting that Russians commit atrocities, but i am doubting this specific one as Russian once I looked at the facts that were available, seems like a lot of “conspiracy theories” have been coming true over the past year also, just saying

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Apr 9, 2022Liked by Arbitrage Andy

Here's some context about Putin and how the Eastern front, specifically the Battle for Leningrad, has likely shaped his world view.


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Iraq has roughly the same size population as Ukraine at ~40M. Even taking the Ukrainian/US overestimates of civilian deaths, how does that compare to Iraq Body Count (https://www.iraqbodycount.org/database/) during the US-led invasion in 2003? Looks like first two months of conflict in Iraq killed ~7500 civilians. Compare to UN estimates of 3500 total in Ukraine (1500 of those in Donetsk) in these past 2 months.

Russians have been more careful than the US, even though the forces are more evenly matched. Not Israel level care, but that's hard to do over thousands of miles.

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