Great overview on an unfortunate topic. Any chance you will provide some tips to prepare in tomorrow’s paid post? I know you’ve covered the baseline items previously but curious what like minded people are focused on in times like these. Thanks as always!

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Hey man - yes that will be the focus of the piece

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I’m surprised by the lack of conversation (not just here, but everywhere) on the chances of a North Korea attack on South Korea. Everyone knows about the tests they have been doing over the past few years and now seems like as good of a time as any to go for it. Let’s not forget the North Korea-Russia meeting that happened last week. Plus, if I’m China, I would also help support it to spread the US in a 3rd direction before launching my move on Taiwan

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I completely agree. Great point.

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This should bode well for uranium stocks

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Great insight into the geopolitical ramifications of this attack, it’s not often that you see reporting of the potential effects that a thing like this could have further down the line, I’m not American but I wonder how the resource war on America would affect its allies

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Great article. A question for the “Snowglobe Polyannas” - would you say the stream of military-aged males streaming illegally across our southern border makes terrorist attacks on US citizens MORE likely, LESS likely, or NO CHANGE?

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Andy, great post and appreciate the speed at which you published. Timing was great. Looking forward to tomorrow's post.

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Appreciate it. The paid subscription has been well worth it.

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