Arbitrage Andy Christmas List drops tomorrow

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Thoughts on 'Omicron Take':

Is COVID-19 the product of a lab? Most likely. Was its release scheduled to coincide with other global events? Very doubtful of that.

I tend to think it's much more likely the outbreak falls on human error. The net effect of this virus on global business is staggering not to mention the death count is higher than anything we have ever seen. To insinuate its release as intentional, would mean the China's government is wildly stupid as this is hurting them much more than it's hurting us.

As for the U.S. response. I see this as a long-term outlook, which I think is frustrating those with a day trader mindset.

The government is going to keep pushing vaccinations because if COVID-19 is truly indestructible we need as many workers as possible to maintain the country's GDP. As China becomes an unreliable trading partner, U.S. manufacturing will have to return to meet demand. We know that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have the highest efficacy of any COVID vaccine on the planet. Which means the survival rate of Americans is higher than the rest of the world.

I tend to think that those that are making vaccinations an individual rights issue, are only seeking to profit in the short term. Ultimately, whether you believe this "bio-weapon" was discharged intentionally or not— we are now living through an endless war. The winner will be the country that can weather the situation the best with the most survivors. Fatigue is high, but this is unfortunately our new reality.

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Crypto looking rather frothy, buyer beware. Not financial advice.

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Great content Andy! Next: distribution lord.

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