Yesterday was a monumental day for those of us who enjoy following UFO narratives and developments in the United States. 2023 just became a little bit more unpredictable and crazy. Today’s post veers from our traditional markets and geopolitics focus to delve into the phenomena of UFOs and extraterrestrial life. This is a topic that has been of high focus for the public amid an increase in whistleblowers, expert testimony, and government releases.
Yesterday several whistleblowers testified under oath that the US Government not only has possession of extraterrestrial craft, but also has recovered the bodies of extraterrestrial beings over the years.
This topic — long covered in completely secrecy and yellow tape has begun to move into the eyes of mainstream Americans among a slew of recent whistleblowers and witnesses claiming that life does in fact exist outside this world.
Today’s post will cover the hearings and developments from the witnesses extensively but I will also provide a streamlined version of UFO history and some of the noteworthy developments over the last 100 years to put this revelation into context. I find many of the stories of encounters with alleged aliens and sightings of UFOs to be pretty fascinating.
It’s a global phenomena and accounts of would be UFOs and potential extraterrestrial beings date back thousands if not tens of thousands of year ago — from the rainforests of central America to underground caves in France and the frozen steppes of Russia and Asia.
It’s monumental to be frank, but up to you to decide whether these claims have merit or if they are part of a clever disinformation or psychological campaign to distract and occupy the public.
“The UAP task force was refused access to a broad crash retrieval program. These are retrieving non-human-origin technical vehicles — call it ‘spacecraft,’ if you will — vehicles that have either landed or crashed,”
—David Grusch United States Air Force (USAF) officer and former intelligence official
The truth behind UFOs and extraterrestrial life would have broad reaching implications for earth, the United States, and all of us. So it merits a quick overview so that people have all available sources and context to form their own opinions.
This is not an aliens are real shill piece. It’s an overview of historical events, developments, and encounters that make up the modern narrative on the existence of extraterrestrial life and technology.
Quick History of UFOs in The United States
On Wednesday, during a House hearing on enigmatic unexplained phenomena, typically referred to as UFOs, three former armed forces personnel gave testimony, cautioning that these sightings pose a significant national security concern to the US.
Furthermore, they emphasized that the government's lack of transparency regarding these incidents is troubling — it was suggested (and has long been believed by those who follow this topic) that the echelons of government and shadowy organizations that allegedly gate keep this information are beyond even the scope of the President or Department of Defense.
Testimony from David Grusch, a former Air Force intelligence officer was particularly captivating, he claimed that the US government not only has UFO/UAPs in its possession but that they also have the remains of the allegedly “non-human” pilots of the aircraft, something he referred to as “non biologics”.