Alright folks — today I’ve decided to compile a bunch of the topics we’ve been getting requests on over the last several weeks. For a reminder to all of the new subscribers we’ve gained over the last month or so — at Arb Letter I am focused on accomplishing a few things.
Providing accurate and objective news updates
Covering topics the mainstream media won’t or can’t
Identifying “Information Arbitrage” on multiple fronts (financial, social, and political)
Commentating in a straightforward way that all can understand and conceptualize
Avoiding “politically correct” or “woke” takes — my only concern is providing pragmatic and realistic commentary, no matter how uncomfortable or unpleasant it is
Most of you already know it — but it’s becoming more and more crucial to get the right information in the current day and age. This is for a couple of reasons but the chief one is so that you are able to make informed and logical decisions based on the best information at hand so that you can be successful, aware, and well versed on what’s going on in the world around you.
There are many forces in the present modern landscape that have ulterior motives and objectives when it comes to the information released or shared with the public and everyday people.
Reality is blanketed in soft comforting lies and even bigger deceptions. Nobody wants you to be well read, healthy, and skeptical. Instead, you’re much more useful and harmless when you’re unhealthy and disheartened. When you’re so inundated with the high cost of food or travel, or the litany of major news cycle events like The War in Ukraine, Submersible that was lost, or fluctuating weather that you have no time or brainpower to examine what actually might be going on.
Traveling through major airports this past weekend I am always reminded at how robotic most people are — focused only on
Today I’ll be covering the latest information and updates on the following topics:
UFO’s and UAPs — the US government’s newest releases
The recent extreme weather across the world
Crypto & the coming bull market
Security Risks to the World and the United States
By the end of today’s post I can promise you’ll have a much better understanding of the things worth paying attention to as 2023 begins its second half. Ask yourself what camp you’d like to be in — the one where ignorance is bliss and your only worry is what’s for lunch or how quickly Friday comes this week OR the one where you swallow some uncomfortable truths but begin to understand the implications of the modern world and what it means for you, your health, your financial prosperity, and your livelihood.
Things are trending poorly and the the chances things get worse before they get better is high. Fortunately many of the events and topics I’ll cover today give you some insight into the motives and implications of what we are seeing might be. We live in an age of true disinformation where the stakes of keeping the public in the dark are at the highest level they’ve literally ever been. With technology and even AI there are levels to deception that were not once possible.
Let’s start with the recent phenomena of UFO’s. Sorry to disappoint but the chances of an alien clone version of Margot Robbie who isn’t mid existing out there somewhere are slim.
Unless you’ve been on a year long bender in Vietnam you’ve probably noticed the increased coverage and conversation about UFO’s.
Recently commentary and releases re: UFO’s has amped up. Perhaps these are well crafted distractions/psy ops, mistaken sightings of military technology, or even actual aliens but it cannot be denied that there’s never been a time in history when more whistleblowers have come forward, more government releases have taken place, and more “sightings” have occured due to modern technology.
UFO’s are very much real — the question is what are they and who knows the details about who owns them, who’s operating them, and how much do we actually know about what it suggests.
A revelation this big be confirmed would shock the modern world and change our way of life as we know it. Which is actually why you should be paying attention to it.