Everything is not okay brother. Gratitude is essential, but so is pragmatic discussion of where the US is going.
If you’ve taken a moment to stop watching Netflix or Tik Tik videos, you’ll notice that the world is in an incredibly interesting crossroad at the moment as the global elite meet in Davos to cook up their next batch of wonderful dystopian ideas they think should apply to all of humanity except themselves.
The WEF meeting is merely a drop in the bucket alongside the range of issues facing the US and world as I type this.
I tweeted earlier this week that it feels like there are two camps of people now.
Those that are going through the motions each day, pretending like there weren’t MASSIVE and grave violations of human rights, dignity, and decency in the last two year paired with endless lies and deceit from our government and institutions.
These people are content watching the NFL, listening to the new Lizzo song, getting their 5th booster, and hoping new stimulus checks come if a recession is confirmed.
And then there are those that can sense something is just off these days.
It feels almost synthetic.
We’ll talk about what that sense is today.
If you’ve followed us here on Arb Letter and through Arbitrage Andy for some time you know that we like to take a raw and unfiltered approach to things — not only finance, investing ,and markets, but also politics which is becoming more intertwined with people’s livelihood’s and chances for success in the long run.
We don’t much believe in fluff or BS and our primary goal is to cut through the noise and lies of modern media and legacy institutions who have everything to gain by continuing to keep people in the dark.
That’s it.
The fact of the matter is — there are many many people out there that WE KNOW share our views and stances. Unfortunately for a long time due to tech censorship and political correctness in the US, alternative views and more importantly, views based in reality, fact, and empirical evidence, have been demonized, pushed to wayside, and silenced.
We’ve seen this with Covid. UTTER FACTS were censored and not allowed to reach the masses.
We are open minded and reasonable people — we believe in strong communities, personal freedom, fiscal conservatism, social progress, strong family units, the second amendment, free speech, opportunity for all, a secure border, and small federal government to name a few.
Things, we feel everyone should and would support if they understood that those core principles help build a healthy and successful country and culture that can last a long time.
After all…..
Who doesn’t want a tightly knit community with relatively similar values and belief systems?
Who doesn’t want free speech? (not tech enforced “free” speech)
Who doesn’t want access to weapons to defend themselves, their country, and their loved ones if need be?
Who doesn’t want a strong border that contributes to national stability and security?
Who doesn’t want a small federal government and lower taxes?
See what I’ve found in my 30 years on this rock in space is that all too often these basic and super reasonable concepts are twisted and misrepresented by people on the left and the right, to be made out to be “wrong” or “extremist”.
These are pretty fucking reasonable views lol.
Unfortunately over the years we’ve seen greed, corruption, and grabs for power escalate to levels not seen before in this country and what’s worse — it seems many within our government have sold out to foreign interests or fallen into a vicious nihilistic money crazed spiral in a quest to get everything they can for themselves before the hourglass becomes empty.
We’ve come a long way from the 50’s to 90’s period, years when our nation had its share of struggle but years when the optimism and opportunity in the nation was endless. Boomers this boomers that, young people love to blame the boomers or chirp them for being able to participate in the biggest bull run and societal growth expansion known to man AND actually afford a home. I get it!
But unfortunately aside from technology, globalism, and other contributing factors — we are to blame.
Now there are other underlying issues and systemic factors that contribute to hard times, such as economic inequality, lack of access to resources, a lack of political choice to address major issues, and working towards solutions that can result in a prosperous nation, but inevitably at the core the issue is men (and women) who have chosen to simply not take a stand anymore.
Weak people, numbed by easy access to dopamine and intense nuanced propaganda regimens delivered through social media and technology.
The point of today’s post is to give you all a REALISTIC view of the issues impacting our country and the way we see them trending. It’s not meant to be a doomsday post or alarmist rendition of the fall of Rome.
We just think we’ve crossed an incredibly important line where people NEED to start paying attention to a range of issues that will impact them directly soon.
If you’re already a sub to Arb Letter feel free to skip to the “Key Issue” heading but today we will cover:
Our take on where we stand as a country (spicy)
Rome 2.0 (comparisons to the fall of the Roman Empire)
Our predictions on what is coming in 2023 and beyond and how to best position yourself for it
Mass layoffs are escalating, people are living paycheck to paycheck, and the chances of “making it” financially are becoming slimmer and slimmer.
Many people are having their worldview challenged and reality checks served cold this year. Let’s talk about how to come out on top.
For new subs:
We’ve received about 2,000 new subs in a very short period of time so for those of you who are new:
Our free version of Arb Letter has:
A free high level market and global news post each week
Our premium/paid version of Arb Letter has:
deep dives 1-2X a week
much deeper and granular analysis, commentary, and content
We’ve become the differentiated and underrepresented voice of many through Arb Letter.
Truth is we should probably charge more and have been told so on multiple occasions but we do believe in keeping our price fair for all to have a chance to access. With our price and cadence this shakes out to like $0.50 a week.
After all we spend 6-8 hours a week writing, editing, and synthesizing our content. If $5.00 is too much for you to get differentiated and original commentary on things that actually impact you - no problem. CNN, Buzzfeed, Fox, and cheesy pay walled boomer finance sites that put the same shit out weekly could all use your patronage.
Let’s get into it.