Do you feel it coming brother?
The reckoning in the West?
In line with many of our forecasts and predictions for the 2024 Election season, things are starting to heat up stateside.
If you’re paying attention — lots of people are beginning to show their true colors this election season as emotions take over. The division in this country is deep and has infected every corner of society.
Just this week the following things have taken place. I want you to read them and then ask yourself, where does the bias seem to lie if I look at these instances in aggregate.
On the heels of the Trump Rogan interview pervasive issues occurred with searching for the episode on YouTube
Democrats/the DOJ are suing states that try to remove non-citizens from voter rolls (Virginia)
The Atlantic and The Guardian ran shameless hit pieces on Donald Trump filled with inaccuracies
The media is likening Trump to Hitler and claiming his recent rally at MSG was akin to a Nazi Rally.
Media outrage about Trump’s poll numbers and momentum
Ballot boxes in Washington were set on fire, voter registration fraud was found in Pennsylvania
The Marxist cultural revolution in the US is nearing completion — famed KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov describes this stage as the destabilization phase of subversion. Next comes the crisis.
Unfortunately the idealogical subversion of the US has been wildly effective in all arenas — sex/gender studies, universities, media, climate narratives, corporate boardrooms, and government halls. Absolute woke bullshit as far as the eye can see, rendering large swaths of the population confused, angry, and disoriented.
But the counter vibe is changing and you can sense it in the air. People are waking up and they are growing tired of the culture, policies, and attitude that does not put America and her people first. You see it all around you.
The ultimate test is what happens in just 8 days, when we will see if we get 4 more years of continued subversion of our great nation and potentially, a surge past the point of no return.
Most people in this country — particularly those ingesting mainstream talking points, siding with the establishment, or plagued by ambivalence, have no fucking clue how bad things will end up getting (though the some of the signs have already begun). Denial is a strong drug.
They’re just floating along without a critical thought or true understanding on what’s happening around them and how it will effect them.
Some of them you can’t really blame I guess.
The slightly left of center wine moms sprawling across my northeastern neighborhoods vote out of peer pressure and conformity. They don’t understand the implications of letting millions of unvetted violent men into the country yet, how could they? Their biggest stressor is getting Chadwick IV to lacrosse practice on time or the tire swap for their Range Rover. It’s easier to not ask questions and just go with the flow after all Trump’s a misogynist!
The student at a liberal university voting solely on the abortion issue doesn’t comprehend what happens when rule of law breaks down and criminals take command of the streets. The young man living in a big city who knows nothing other than a corporate 9-5 and doordash orders feels like he HAS to vote for Kamala, his coworkers have created an environment in which doing otherwise would mean social suicide.
This entire election cycle is subject to more and more lies, more and more gaslighting, and the narratives that mislead good people in our country from making choices in their own best self interest.
We are at a crossroads my friends. Your finances, life, friend groups, family, and more will be impacted by the outcome this November.
I wish it wasn’t so — but particularly in this election these stakes are sky high.
Do you see past the political noise and understand the key dynamics at play?
The choices presented to Americans are not perfect, but they are vastly different.
Your freedom is at play. Your ability to voice a different opinion is at play, to live peacefully in cities. To politically support who you want. To earn money and have an influence in how your taxes are spent. To run a business that won’t get targeted or canceled. To say that 2020 was rigged if you think it was, to say you don’t agree with the war in Ukraine if you don’t, to say you don’t think women should be in men’s sports. To reject DEI theory and meritless systems. To speak your mind at will. To preserve your freedom and maintain your sovereignty from the creeping overreach of government and insitutions.
The insidious thing about the establishment and their leftist cronies is they have the gall to gaslight you, calling you exactly what they themselves are. It’s worldclass projection and to be frank it’s deeply unsettling, the work of true lunatics. If you look closely, veiled within their actions, is their intent for you and for our country should they gain absolute power over the legal system, the government, what you are allowed to say and what the “truth is”.
So today — we are following up on our all time most read post How to Become Sovereign & Ungovernable.
I firmly believe the next month or so in the United States is going to be unlike anything most of us have seen and the reason for that is two ideologies are clashing in the open. The candidates are far from perfect and as I have said before they don’t matter as much as what they represent. It’s confusing for some because BOTH sides claim to represent the concepts I speak of — liberty, freedom, democracy, and prosperity.
Today we will cover the following:
The current stage in the US — what signs, events and trends are telling us about what is at stake in this election for all of us. Who is the deep state? What do they want? Why are they constantly working against average Americans? Why have 15m+ illegal immigrants been shoved into our country?
What I call the tantrum — what the actions, sentiment, and language of the ruling class is showing us about what’s in store for this country if things continue on their current course. Why are they calling anyone who doesn’t side with them Nazis?
Persevering — what you can do to guarantee that you do not fall victim to the same pitfalls many Americans find themselves grappling with in this current political environment. How to counter the efforts to impact our financial prosperity, societal cohesion, and national identity irreparably. How to process the information and events that are fast approaching on the horizon.
This is the big one kings, make no mistake. We can live in a world of peace, freedom, and sovereignty where we see financial success, happy lives, and fulfillment or we can let the utter deviants win out, crafting a sub par, faceless, and flat society in which they continue their oppression of all thing good and just. A world in which you are forced to play by their “truth” and not reality as you know it.
The people are the government, administering it by their agents; they are the government, the sovereign power.
Andrew Jackson