Well folks - shit is dialing up - and fast. Strap in.
A gunman nearly killed former President Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania this weekend — missing his head by inches and wounding his cheek and ear. I got the news at a wedding and it was eerie to hear about something so grave during an otherwise happy and aloof event.
If you read Arb Letter regularly you know we predicted this multiple times — and no I’m not talking about the SWBI 0.00%↑ and POWW 0.00%↑ calls last week that would’ve printed if you had acted on it (they will go higher). I’m talking about the attempt on Trump’s life and I don’t point that out for brownie points - I point it out because NOW more than ever - you need to be relying on credible assessments of what’s happening in this country.
It’s time to ignore the soy-boys and pundits who say “nothing ever happens” and “you went tin foil hat man”.
“Touch grass man! Everything is fine!”
They’re coping — and they have zero grasp on where things are trending. At some point corporate types turned into NPC dorks who think it’s cool to not show emotion or downplay real world events that fall outside their immediate office and social environment (woke/DEI corporate brainwashing didn’t help). It’s cool to think nothing ever happens. It’s cool to be the contrarian on everything. It’s cool to nonchalantly downplay serious trends in our society.
It’s comforting to think all you’ll ever need is a cold brew, suit, excel sheet, and happy hour event. It’s not comforting to think you are utterly and completely unprepared for a world that could soon revert into a time of violence, strength, and rawness.
It’s time to draw a line in the sand. Anyone who’s celebrating or making light of what took place this weekend should be cut off entirely — it’s not hyperbole to say they pose a threat to you if you don’t ascribe to their delusional worldview. When shit really hits the fan — they will be erratic, lost, and hysterical.
What happened this weekend is seismic for this country and every single person reading this.
I’m not a prophet or a super experienced national security professional - I just consciously watch patterns, study history, and read the room.
Chiefly — I don’t blindly chug mainstream narratives — I prefer to be a realist, even when the truth is unsettling or ugly. I’ve been shadow-banned, reach throttled, lost followers, and been demonized for my takes on Trump, politics, and society in the US. But I don’t really care — what I care about is bringing people the truth. Its been obfuscated for far too long.
It was obvious that the powers that be would do anything to stop Donald Trump, including kill him. While I’m still rattled it happened, it’s not surprising and it tells you just how serious this race is becoming.
They’ve smeared him, made up lies (RussiaGate), told the entire country for years that he’s the next Hitler, that he’s a threat to democracy, charged him with ridiculous basis, and tried to imprison him on laughable charges. They’ve leveraged intelligence agencies, federal organizations, and government branches in a long list of operations designed to jail dissidents, improve optics, and manipulate the American people for years.
NOW they are willing to shoot their top rival in the head and murder him on TV for a grand spectacle.
Hate to break it to the naysayers but the 2020 election was completely and utterly rigged and they’re going to try and rig 2024. The events this weekend confirm that ironically. If they’re willing to try and blow Trump’s head off at a rally on live TV they’re willing to do just about anything.
(Is there literally anymore doubt the CIA murdered JFK?)
They have demonized Trump for so long that he has a real target on his head — and they know that. While both sides obviously have instances of extreme rhetoric in the current partisan environment, the Democratic parties main message for years now has been that Trump is a threat to democracy and that the U.S. is finished if he wins. He is Hitler. He is a fascist. As many liberal pundits have said of the last few years — he needs to be eliminated.
The media realizes that they’re complicit in this event which is why they’re scaling back their claims, language, and rhetoric.
They are scaling back rhetoric and scaling back the fiery language, namely, because the realize they have destroyed their optics, the Trump base is galvanizing and more Americans are waking up to how out of control this country is.
You need to understand where we are.
This is a war. People are willing to kill.
If they’re willing to kill Trump they are willing to kill you and your family for rejecting their narrative and ideology.
I’m dead serious.
It may not look like Ukraine yet — but this war is festering and spreading, from classrooms to court rooms to private offices in DC, and now to the streets. Straddling the fence is no longer an option. It’s time to pick a side. The side you pick might not be perfect but with the sheer evil we are witnessing it is our duty to reject it.
What happened to Trump is Anti American. Even if you don’t like him this is entirely unacceptable and disgusting. It should wake you up to how dangerous this country is becoming.
I don’t say this to be sensationalist — I say it so that some will take it to heart and prepare accordingly.
It’s going to get worse.
Don’t be in the camp that’s uninformed or prepared to deal with what’s going to happen out of pride, or ego, or arrogance.
Today we’re going to review the shooting, walk through what happened, what we know, the common theories being discussed, and then get into what I think comes next.
Let’s get into it. Stay frosty my friends — these are serious times you find yourself in.
Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.
C. S. Lewis