When Did Things Start Going Downhill?
Good morning everyone — I hope you are having a decent week despite the insane amount of black swan events, curveballs, and chaos that is transpiring in the world right now.
There’s a popular internet meme that I see a lot online of the twin towers on a skyline when they were still intact with a little girl in the foreground in a park presumably, and it reads:
“The world you were born in no longer exists”
It always strikes a chord with me for a couple reasons.
For one, now that I am no longer a child, the child that watched the terror attacks on 9/11 play out live on a TV set, I am more versed and aware of the nature of the world and the implications of what that day meant.
It meant a war waged for some right reasons, but way more wrong and deceitful ones. It means realizing now, in this case, that the US Government and elite banking cartel that runs the world, all had vested economic interests in the next 20 years of warfare and spread of “democratization” that would follow in the scorching deserts of the Middle East.
And look — this isn’t to say Vietnam was a righteous war or that the CIA wasn’t up to their usual shit in the 1960’s through 1990’s — but the decline of the West has accelerated dramatically in the post 9/11 world.
It means I now realize that the world I grew up in during the 1990’s — when America was a leading global power, with a relatively healthy and happy society, booming economy, competitive national spirit, and promising future — is no longer what it once was.
Innocence is gone.
Benevolence is gone.
It sucks and you can feel it everyday now.
Nothing’s natural or righteous anymore — it’s all synthetic.
The news, your corporate job, the financial system, the mainstream media, social media, even the food you eat.
Since 2001 things have steadily progressed south.
We learned about the CIA’s Prism program and alleged WMDs in Iraq. We watched the nation collapse in financial ruin in 2008, only to watch elite bankers and politicians be bailed out with taxpayer money, suffering almost zero consequences.
We’ve watched as race relations have deteriorated, crime has jumped, the youth have become dumber and more entranced by technology. Technology sold shamelessly by massive globalist tech companies who have done more than their fair share of collusion with our government and foreign powers who pay them. Tech companies that we now know (thanks to Elon’s purchase of Twitter) embark on insidious and widespread censorship campaigns to quite literally shape public opinion and thought — shilling the exact opposite of the truth on everything from the origins of the Covid Pandemic, to inflation being transitory, to the efficacy and side effects of mandated vaccines, to the 2020 election, to January 6th, to the war in Afghanistan, Ukraine, Epstein, and much much more.
1984 manifested in 20 short years.
Woke cultural marxism and communism have eaten away at the fabric of the country, dividing people, breaking up former tightly knit communities, breaking down any morals or integrity, eroding the family unit, and vilifying the patriotism that many Americans once had for this great country, the patriotism that forged our country and kept us at the top of the food chain.
An entire generation of young people taught to hate their country, the people who built it, and to turn their backs on the characteristics that have always made us the most competitive country in the world.
Feelings now take precedent over logic.
Fantasy and idealism are favored over pragmatism and realism.
Things certainly aren’t what they once were — and that’s a gross understatement.
In the last three years — things have managed to escalate even more dramatically.
We witnessed the all time most divided and contentious political election in history. We watched as the country burned and endured riots. As sheer delusion replaced logic and reason. As the common decency of people eroded — family, values, hard work, and faith replaced with laziness, entitlement, arrogance, vanity, greed, and pleasure.
Corporate America, once the hallmark of international capitalism and economic prowess quickly devolved into a woke wonderland — where out of work interesting moments, pronouns, and diversity replaced effectiveness, profit, and achievement.
Who needs standards or success anyway? It’s all about feeling good.
Our schools and universities have become indoctrination camps — teaching our youth to despise our country, to disregard tried and true methods of success, and to lower the requirements and standards that ensure we are a force to reckon with globally.
Almost two year ago the globe came under the complete mercy of a strange little virus that came from a lab in Wuhan China, altering the US Economy, changing the social fabric of our society, dividing people even further, allowing corrupt and dangerous people to push experimental medical treatments onto terrified populaces for profit and power, sparking up hatred for those willing to withstand the psy op (and it was a psy op) and leading us to an unprecedented position in the history of financial markets and economic turbulence.
After all — why would it be a bad idea to print ungodly amounts of money out of thin air?
Which is why we are where we find ourselves today:
A war rages in Ukraine threatening a massive global conflict each week
We lost face in Afghanistan
The Chinese are flying objects over our country
China is growing more powerful each day - testing our resilience globally
Our enemies are more powerful and influential than ever before
2nd and 3rd largest bank failures in history with more to come likely
Inflation is high and crushing the middle class, becoming entrenched
We defend Ukraine’s borders and leave ours wide open
East Palestine Ohio gets nothing, Ukraine gets hundreds of billions
We fund Ukraine’s wars and pensions but have our own banks collapsing
Political corruption on both sides is at all all time high
Political division in the United States grows with each day
I could continue for another 100+ lines of text.
We’re not going to be remotely subtle about anything today. There are incredibly serious and life changing things going on in financial markets that impact every single person reading this and many more across the globe.
Today we’ll cover these massive bank failures and bailouts, the banks that are likely to fail next, the Black Sea incident in which Russia destroyed one of our Reaper Drones, the obvious rollout of CBDCs by global central banks, why we are closer than ever to World War III, and why it’s time to start taking all of this way more seriously.
I’m not sure how much more clear it can get at this point.
But everyone needs to take charge of their financial security, understand how close we are to a global conflict, and identify the sinister plots that are playing out globally on the heels of the scamdemic that we now have all but forgotten mere months after power and control were seized by those in power.