How to Protect Your Crypto & Profit In The Next Bull Market
205: Safely and efficiently navigate crypto moving forward
This week has been a whirlwind for crypto investor and firms across the world. The SEC, the long time nemesis of all size lords everywhere, cracked down on not one but two major crypto firms in Binance and Coinbase — alleging among other things that the two firms have been involved in offering unregistered securities for some time now.
People are worried — and rightfully so — given exchanges are frozen, being shutdown, and liquidity is being severely impacted. Crypto’s future is in question at the moment and sentiment is at an all time low. Government black swans and even bans have people frightened to buy.
The SEC charges are nefarious for a few reasons that we will expand upon today but at a high level several things are abundantly clear:
The SEC is being highly selective in what the choose to enforce
These are politically motivated moves
There is an element of desperation to protect fiat currencies
Today I will expand on my 7 years in the crypto markets to provide a straightforward guide for how you should be approaching your asset security, views on the crypto/defi industry, and mental approach to trading/investing over the long term.
Today we’ll cover:
Security protocols for keeping your assets safe and secure
Which platforms and companies to avoid
Which assets have the highest chance of printing bands in the future
General approaches for ensuring you profit in this unclear environment
Profiting in crypto consistently is a lot harder than many influencers and “crypto pros” make it out to be and the reality is there was tons of crap being shilled over the past 2 years — both in terms of assets and exchanges that have now trapped people, led to substantial losses, or made it difficult to come back from underwater. The amount of noise and bullshit that’s plagued the space the past 2 years is ridiculous.
In reality it’s quite easy not to get caught up in the hype if you stick to a disciplined and level headed approach that cuts out all the excess noise and fluff that goes hand in hand with periods of up only.
Our stance from Arb Letter and Arbitrage Andy has always been consistent and I will elaborate on these techniques today — they work over a longer time period and can make sure that you have quality, secure, and balanced exposure to this industry if you believe in it in the long term.
Don’t become another long term bag holder or have your assets frozen on some dicey exchange that gets zapped by the SEC or US Government. After taking to heart the point we make today you will be in a materially better position to profit when macro factor improve, regulatory clarity arrives, and the bull market returns.
Crypto like other sectors, is cyclical and the present conditions provide an excellent opportunity for you to get ready to take full advantage of growth in this space. Listening to mainstream takes and traditional finance sources will not give you this edge.
This is a no BS and succinct guide to navigating crypto in the years to come, keeping your assets secure and safe, and profiting when market conditions and sentiment improves.
If you’d like to take your chances with mainstream advice feel free but I think you’ll find right now that most people, even high profile influencers, are completely rekt or bagholdig, having misled their followers, shilled dogshit, and promoted exchanges and companies like Celsius, FTX, and other ponzis that lead to financial ruin, depression, and legal ramifications.
Today’s post is a comprehensive guide, toolkit, and compass to make sure you can safely and effectively navigate the crypto markets and make money.
Let’s get into it.
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