Happy Monday everyone. Strap in because I brought a bigggg spicy this morning.
This week we have several posts that are finance focused including a business/sales focused piece on Wednesday and an interview with
on Thursday.We will drop our markets and geopolitics update for all subs Friday morning.
On this glorious Spring day we wanted to revisit a macro/political topic that is all over headlines and top of mind in many states across the country: guns.
This spicy rant comes on the heels of several high profile mass shootings in the US and a recent ban on dozens of semi-automatic rifles that cleared the Washington state Legislature last Wednesday.
There’s an incredible amount of true disinformation and falsehoods that are perpetuated by the media so we felt it would make sense to cover all of the basics in one place.
This post is meant to be a comprehensive guide building on our first Guns in America Post. You can read either this one or that one first but we recommend reading both so you can fully contextualize what we are talking about.
We will cover the following today in great detail:
Overview of the 2nd Amendment
What it’s truly intended for & why it’s vitally important
Why it’s under attack right now
Why gun control and registration is dangerous
Why you absolutely need to be educated on aspects of the 2A
Resources, Training, & Extra Content
How to pick the best defensive options for you or your loved ones
Our comprehensive list of firearms brands, defense, and tactical online resources
I suspect that the 2nd Amendment will prove to be one of the, if not the top political issue in the United States in next several years.
In my opinion protecting and preserving our 2nd Amendment rights is going to be one of the only ways we effectively survive the shit-storm that the US Government, US Federal Reserve, and all of our corrupt politicians have created — it should alarm you greatly that there are powerful new efforts to impede on this right and limit your access to table stakes firearms that you would want if SHTF or society devolves rapidly.
Today’s deep dive is meant for a range of different people including:
Complete gun/2A noobs
Those who might be curious of getting into owning firearms or learning how to defend themselves but have limited time (corporate job/family/etc.)
Current advocates for gun control
Current proponents for the 2A that understand how serious the situation in our country is becoming
Investors looking to understand some of the financial opportunities in the industry
We took many hours to aggregate the information, resources, and summaries included in today’s post. We’ve provided training resources (both digital an physical), the top brands in the space if you do choose to get involved, and a comprehensive summary of why the 2A is vitally important to any free society.
Hopefully by the end of it you will have a better understanding of what the 2A amendment is for, why you should exercise your 2A rights now more than ever, and how we see the the US political landscape evolving with the 2A in mind, something that we expect to impact every last one of us.
As a man in a “free” society, you are at a severe disadvantage if you are not at least basically familiar with the Second Amendment, why your gun rights matter, and ultimately what they are for. We can pretty much guarantee that in the immediate future it will pay dividends to be familiar with what the 2A is for, why it matters to you, and what impact it is going to have in American politics and society moving forward.
Let’s get into it starting with what the 2A is truly for…. and no it’s not hunting.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
— Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776
Overview of the 2nd Amendment
Rhetoric in the United States surrounding calls for gun confiscation and control have reached all time highs since the Obama administration.
This comes at a time where political partisanship in our country is getting worse and worse — we covered last week our expectations that the 2024 Presidential election generates a pretty high level of social unrest and chaos much like the summer of 2020.
One things for sure. Most everyday people do not understand what the 2A is actually for. It’s for resisting tyranny. It’s not. for hunting or sport shooting or collecting, it exists to ensure that the people have the ability to repel a tyrannical government or hostile domestic/foreign forces if necessary.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.