For anybody who follows world events and markets closely or enjoys following current events - it’s been a highly entertaining week.
Especially if you get perma bear pleasure out of watching more systems break and bad news roll in.
But there’s rarely existed a time when there were more variables floating around for financial markets and which assets are going to continue outperforming in a time
In my opinion we are reaching a critical crossroads for current events. There are a myriad of clues and indicators that can give us a read into what is likely coming around the corner - but you have to be willing to see things for what they are. Political bias or leaning into ignorance will not benefit you. It may be uncomfortable to come to terms with what we are seeing - but it is necessary if you want to be one of the people in the know and not another normie grasping for straws aimlessly.
It’s the end of the year — for many 2023 was a turbulent and tough year — costs sky rocketed, inflation persisted, the cost of owning a home went up sizably, and many are mentally strained from many of the societal trends, political tension, and fragmentation that Covid 19 caused to the job market and corporate lifestyle.
I wish I could instill great hope in 2024 — in some respects there will be great opportunities — many of them I suspect are going to be asset and markets related. But on the other side of the coin — 2024 is going to rock a lot of people’s world views and realities. There are simply too many developments coming to a head.
Today we’ll cover the following:
The implications of the Trump ruling yesterday in Colorado — effectively removing him from the ballot for the 2024 election. Bad things are coming folks — this is a blatant attempt at election interference.
Bitcoin ETFs and why approval is looking likely - how to profit from this
Update on the crisis in the Red Sea and it’s impact on global supply chains
The mounting crisis at the Southern Border and what this means for everyday Americans (A record 12,600 migrants surged at the border in the last 24 hours — as backlog for immigration hearings is now over 3 million)
Indicators that something big may be coming in the future — including Mark Zuckerbergs new state of the art bunker in Hawaii and growing cyber incidents globally
The continued attack on US culture by radical far leftists - how we can expect this to trend in the new year
If you find yourself becoming more and more frustrated and angered by the way things are trending in the US and around the world — you’re not alone. Difference is — not that many outlets are willing to call it like it is.
Today’s going to be one of my spicy rants.
And look — I get that my style of writing can be off putting for some — but the fact of the matter is, in my view, there has never been a more important time to speak the truth and let people know what’s happening around the world and in our country. Tyranny is afoot — do not kid yourself. It may be hard for those who align far left of center to understand it, but the US is quickly moving away from a democracy and appear to be devolving into a banana republic of sorts — more reminiscent of a 3rd world country or authoritarian dictatorship.
Trump & The State Of US Politics
Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Colorado delivered a groundbreaking decision that prevents former President Donald Trump from being included on the state's primary ballot next year — citing (now stale and debunked) January 6th allegations and is reportedly based on section 3 of the 14th Amendment, which disbars anyone who has engaged in "insurrection or rebellion" against the government from holding office. Trump's campaign has announced it will appeal this decision.
Regardless of if you disagree with Trump or do not like him — this is a deeply concerning development that foreshadows the way politics are trending in our country. Where does this end?
If the the incumbent regime doesn’t like Vivek or Ron Desantis down the line, will they just charge them with random crimes? Send them to a court overloaded with leftist juries and judges?
Hopefully the veil is starting to be lifted for normies — this is not a legitimate system anymore. Fairness or justice does not exist as you know it. The only constant, is corruption and what the ruling party says the truth is.
It’s evident to anyone paying attention the radical left, deep state, and DC uniparty will do ANYTHING to prevent this Trump from getting into office. You don’t have to like Trump!
But by now you should objectively be able to see the war being waged against him and the extent to which his opposition will go to stop him.
This should tell you everything you need to know about what Trump represents and what public support for him means for the people currently in power. It’s no longer about him — it’s about who he represents, which currently, according to polls, is a shit load of Americans.
It should be alarmingly clear to almost everyone now - that the legal system has been weaponized to interfere in a free and fair election — critics always aks for evidence or proof that this is happening - but how could you possibly expect that if the very system that would provide that is rigged and corrupted? It’s laughable.
It’s nothing more than an attempt (the most recent of many) to silence political opposition and remove him from the race at any cost.
Even democrats took to Twitter to condemn the alarming update, which is refreshing. Some are seeing just how far the current regime will go to ensure they retain control and and power in DC.
"If Donald Trump is so unpopular with the American people, then why are we witnessing unprecedented ELECTION INTERFERENCE to stop him from winning next year?" "You know the answer. Every American should be outraged by what happened tonight."
—Congressman Wesley Hunt
I cannot stress enough the severity of where we are as a country. We have incumbent political cabals targeting opposition.
You want to know the cold hard truth?
The truth is Trump wins in an absolute landslide in 2024 if it’s on the up and up.
He eviscerates any candidate running against him easily.
That may upset people, especially liberals or those who hate him, but it’s the truth — he is crushing in the polls and his support has never been stronger after endless attacks from the current regime — Mar A Lago, Documents, January 6th BS, RussiaGate, the list goes on and on. This Colorado update is the final ounce of insight I need to know that the 2020 election was rigged. If you read Arb Letter I’ve touched on this before, but now I am content in my assessment of what actually happened — it doesn’t matter what the “courts” or “experts” or “media” tells me.
That means nothing at this point. The integrity of the system is gone because those in power will not let this man win formally.
Realize this.
The far left/Dc uniparty in this country — in their warped delusional ideology — feel that ANYTHING (including breaking the law, corrupting courts, burning down our country for months, surveilling conservatives/christians, selling out to foreign countries, and lying) is acceptable to stop Trump and political opposition from the right.
They lied about January 6th, hid video evidence, imprisoned political opponents who showed up without trial, and the media endlessly spread propoganda painting Trump as a traitor and insurrection enabler. The perfect Reichstag fire to attempt to silence him and disqualify him from power again. It’s actually comical to see this Colorado ruling come out when we just saw all the evidence directly contradicting the official media narrative on January 6th.
It wasn’t the grand violent insurrection you were told it was — it was a Fed opp and a nothing-burger. The left desperately wanted an emotional show to lean on in their messaging that targets opponents of their ideology and narrative. They manifested it.
How can someone argue this at this point? It’s all been proven — Feds were undercover as Antifa at the capitol. “Protestors” were literally let in by officers. It was all fabricated and leveraged for optics under the guise of “protecting democracy”.
These people aren’t protecting democracy — they are the real threat to this country. Things are deteriorating quickly and 2024 is going to prove highly disruptive and chaotic for those of living in the United States. This isn’t alarmist or paranoid — make no mistake, a line has been crossed.
Let’s dive in.