Today’s post was sparked due to a DM I received from a long time follower. He asked an excellent question that I myself have been wondering about in recent weeks, months, years.
More of a macro question but as you have more reach with your profiles and newsletters I’m curious your take.
Basically do you think that people actually want to know the truth anymore?
I ask as I am a swe and always messing around with ideas for applications that can do 3 things: 1 help people overcome the goldfish memory of a news cycle, 2 collapse individual thought echo chambers to create conflict and result in a crowd sourced truth, 3 confront people who base world views on unsourced propaganda.
But with the current climate do you think anyone would even give something that uncomfortable (in this day and age) a thought? I mean everyone just seems to enjoy the ease of affirmation of their echo chamber peers and silencing opposing views this we end up with multiple truths.
Long winded I know but if you have time curious on your thoughts….
To be honest I didn’t even know what to respond because from what I have seen he’s right.
The last several years have marked some of the most monumental and concerning times of our entire lives — regardless of if you’re 60 years old or 18.
But it’s not just the events themselves that have been troublesome — it’s the fact that the truth has struggled against all odds to rear its head in a time of universal deceit and falsehood.
And you know what?
I think my follower was right — I think most people don’t even want to know the truth anymore. They want comfort — even if that comes in the form of obtuse lies that are changing the very fabric of our society and world.
They want to be told getting the vaccine was the right thing to do. They don’t want to hear about recalls or side effects or new data developments that indicate things were grossly misrepresented for years in the US and the entire Covid pandemic was a power grab. They don’t want to be reminded that people were fired from jobs, segregated from society, and even put in camps (Australia) over a virus that we now know was similar to the common cold. And it won’t be the last time either. The leader of the World Health Organization just recently cautioned that global readiness for the future pandemic is essential as it has the potential to be "more lethal" than the current COVID-19 pandemic.
People don’t want to know the true reason the War in Ukraine is raging on endlessly and bringing us closer and closer to all out nuclear war — they just want to be able to put little Ukrainian flags in their yards and lump republicans with Pro Putin supporters. They want an enemy to focus on.
They don’t want to know the truth about the 2020 election or mass censorship that occured between big tech and the government or the truth about Hunter Biden’s Laptop, despite a website that now contains 10,000+ photos of the President’s son doing lewd and unspeakable things — some highly illegal.
People don’t want to recognize that the hyper political partisanship in this country is going to lead to unrest and potentially even violence in the short term. People use their political views as justification to frame and target their perceived enemies.
They don’t care that senators were issued satellite phones for emergency communications during power grid blackouts and EMPs. They don’t care our children are being radicalized in schools or that there’s been a stringent and targeted attempt to break up the family unit and communities across the country.
They don’t care banks are being rapidly consolidated or that the US government’s spending is out of control, or that the groundwork is being laid to implement insidious social credit scores and digital currencies.
And I get it — at a certain point people are probably just becoming numb and if something doesn’t materially impact their day to day lives — they find it hard to care.
“Oh that’s just politics” “It is what it is” “People are being overly negative”.
But within that willful or wilful ignorance is a major issue. People are choosing to ignore the clear indicators and warning signs around them that give hints as to what comes next — events and developments that will eventually impact them, their loved ones, and their families. In part the constant negative news coverage, propoganda, and noise is aimed at just that — desensitizing a population, keeping them docile, and ensuring that unrest does not break out.
But eventually this won’t be possible.
Today’s post is a sobering deep dive into many of the events that are unfolding around us. This isn’t a political post — it’s a centrist warning
We talk a lot about people who “get it”. Chances are if you read Arb Letter you do GET it. The way the world really operates, the motivations behind the events and actions we are seeing globally and what it means for you. But too many still do not — and so today we’re going to walk through the implications of several major financial, economic, and societal global developments without shying away from the cold hard truth.
While I am not some wise old sage at the age of 30 — I have learned one thing in my time on earth from a mental and personal perspective — and that is, that you should seek the truth regardless of how uncomfortable, anxious, or upset it makes you.
How else can you calibrate your strategy, development, and actions moving forward if you continue to cope or deny what you ultimately know to be true? How else can you strive to be the best version of yourself and the best version for others if you consciously choose to remain in the dark?
The point of today’s post is to make you want better. Better for yourself, your community, and this country. Let’s talk about how absurd things have gotten and what you can do in response.