Thanks to all of you Arb Letter is the #5 highest ranked Crypto Newsletter on Substack and is moving up on the geopolitics/politics and finance rankings (though we are limited to characterizing it as only two focuses at a time).
I’m seriously hyped today after seeing this.
Appreciate each and every one of you for following us, reading religiously, and being willing and determined to source some of the most objective commentary out on the market today.
As we have mentioned many times Arb Letter is an amalgamation of financial markets updates, realist geopolitical commentary, and life pieces. We only care about trying to be objective and making everyone sharper in an age when true disinformation and perspective is cast aside in favor of partisan politics and emotion.
Top Secret Ukraine Leaks
A bunch of you have been asking for us to give our thoughts and summarize the US intel leaks that are the chat of the internet this week so we wanted to put together something quick and to the point that outlines how we are thinking about it.
Recently news and media has bee buzzing with the devlopment that several top secret files caches and documents were leaked out on the internet — showing sensitive information pertaining the how the War in Ukraine is going, who is involved, and what the extent of US involvement really is.
So fun fact about me — I am a major war history/military buff. What guy isn’t at some part of his life?
But for me, this bug has followed me almost my whole life, which was one of the reasons I majored in Political Science with a focus on counter terrorism and global studies.
Growing up on a military base didn’t lessen my passion for military history, operations, and news.
Now for those of you that follow our geopolitical/military takes in Arb Letter it probably isn’t surprising to find out that we have special forces troops and “advisors” in Ukraine.
So the initial revelation from these leaks that we do in fact have troops on the ground is not surprising in the least bit.
This is common sense and we knew this over a 1.5 years ago.
After all, with many of these special forces and Tier I units, secrecy is chief and the general public typically never finds out about the operations or missions going on. This is almost always to preserve mission OPSEC or operational security — namely, you don’t want enemy forces knowing your troops are in certain areas.
But if we use our imagination it’s pretty easy to extrapolate when and where groups like DEVGRU (Seal Team Six), CAG/Delta Force (Combat Applications Group), Marine Raiders (MARSOC), and other elite units are in the world based on what’s going on. In the 1990’s it was Bosnia and South America.
In the early 2000’s it was mainly the Middle East. In the last 10 years the theaters have undoubtedly expanded into South America, Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, and Africa.
Without obviously knowing I would venture to guess we have these teams on standby near or actively inside the following countries/regions:
North Africa (Libya, Mali, Niger, Chad)
East Africa (Oman, Yemen, Somalia, Ethiopia)
Southeast Asia (South Korea, Phillipines, Taiwan)
South America (Mexico, Venezuela, Peru)
Europe (Ukraine, Germany, Belarus, Georgia, Poland, Finland)
Middle East (Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Pakistan, etc.)
You can see the logic that follows here just based on the areas I chose — wherever there are active conflicts, insurgencies, terror cells, or regional conflicts on the edge of expanding, you will find our top operators.
There are probably dozens I missed here but the point I am making is that we already knew special forces troops from the US and NATO were in Ukraine, unofficially of course.
The Russians know that too.
We have it on good authority and suspicion that one of the groups likely on the ground in Ukraine for some time would be the Green Berets.
Green Beret units have been working in scores of countries for many decades, teaching local units how to become better fighters, resisting governments, and working to win over hearts and minds. You can think of them almost as a type of translator/fighter/guerilla warfare hybrid. One of the easiest ways to avoid fighting Russia directly is to train the Ukrainian or Afghani people historically, to fight their occupiers and oppressors.
But enough nerding out, the presence of US Special Forces troops on the ground in Ukraine is only part of these leaks — the US is dealing with a massive leak of intelligence that hypothetically puts troops in danger on the ground, risks exposing moves we haven’t made yet, and could increase tensions with an already irritated Russia.
And to make matters worse it was allegedly done by a young airman in the Massachusetts National Air Guard by the name of Jack Teixeira.
In these hyper-partisan times within the United States we are huge proponents of citizens being constantly skeptical of the “official” narrative (should be obvious if you read us a lot) for a couple different reasons.
First — governments lie. They lie to obfuscate the alarming truth, to hide misdeeds, to shift narratives into their favor, and to distract from the true intentions of large scale operations, schemes, and arrangements.
Second — in the digital age and especially with the onset of advanced AI tech, you should be skeptical of everything you see and hear. In a post Twitter files world, where we now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that various individuals, companies and government arms are censoring the truth, limiting reach, and shadowbanning people with different views, it is incredibly more important to question what you are being told and shown.
Don’t get it mixed up — we think all traitors should meet horrible fates. But, what makes this case a bit more interesting is that there is a growing contingent of Americans that do not agree with the War in Ukraine and suspect that illicit activities including money laundering, are one of the real reasons the conflict is dragging on endlessly.
People also suspect we aren’t getting the full truth about the reality on the ground or the risk of escalating the conflict into a full blown world war.
We are torn on our take on this recent intel leak but one thing is for sure — there are some questions worth asking that don’t make you a conspiracy theorist — they just make you someone who is employing critical thinking towards a high stake issue: Ukraine.
The Ukraine conflict has the capacity to blow up into WWIII or drag NATO countries and the US into a much larger conflict that will cost mounds of blood and treasure.
So it merits our careful examination and consideration as this event is definitely going to be a central piece to further infringements on civil liberties, gun control, Patriot Act 2.0 laws, support for the War in Ukraine, scrutiny of right leaning Americans, and our relationship with our federal government.