This may be one of the biggest posts we do. It’s a spicy one.
2023 is off to a hot start. Amazon announced they are going to lay off 17,000 workers after market close.
Earlier in the day Salesforce announced layoffs of around 10% of employees over the next several months.
Rumors are those fired will receive 5 months of severance. Not too shabby.
While the market was up yesterday and some tech stocks bounced after weeks of ruthless and incessant selling, there is still an odd feeling in the air as if we are on the precipice of a massive market dump and recession or approaching 2023 with the chance of a more dovish Fed.
We will return to our regular finance programming this week but it became apparent to us that there was a need to wade through the noise and BS out there on a topic that is front and center for most people.
We debated putting out this post for a long time and only now feel that there is sufficient AVAILABLE (key word) evidence and anecdotal accounts for people to begin being willing to listen.
Bottom line?
We were lied to about vaccines.
We were lied to about the side effects and potential health implications
We were lied to about the origin of Covid 19
We were lied to about treatments and solutions
We were lied to about masks and lockdown efficacy
We are still being lied to about how this is all playing out….. and that’s why we wanted to put this piece out.
I remember the beginning of the pandemic vividly. The fear, the panic, and the confusion as this mysterious virus jumped it’s way to the US from around the world.
The subsequent lockdowns, mask mandates, and unrivaled push for vaccines and boosters rocked American society and created deep seated division.
The vitriol and hate that was shown for the unvaccinated and the efforts to exclude them from all manners of society and in some instances, the calls to jail them or force them to receive the shot.
But this isn’t some anti vax rant about how conspiracies ended up being 100% correct.
This is a review of what we now know and some of the themes we are gravely concerned about and want answers on.
We’ll equip you today with the latest facts, data, and studies that show us what really might be going on and it’s a far cry from the narrative that the government and social media/tech behemoth has supported and shilled for the last two years.
Reality is coming and it could be quite ugly.
Some folks will likely choose to unsubscribe after this. We expect that and anticipate it but still think the post is the right thing to do at this moment in time given what we are coming to learn each passing day.
I want everyone to understand something.
We are already operating from a disadvantage in attempting to seek the unfiltered truth about vaccines and Covid 19.
As evidenced by recent Twitter File releases — the government, big tech, and others all worked to completely censor discussions around this topic. We’re not naive enough to think this doesn’t span to Google, Facebook, Youtube, and other big tech tools. Don;t believe us?
Try googling almost anything vax related and you’ll be inundated instantly with Fact Checks and mainstream news articles “debunking” even the most logical of claims about the reliability of vaccines and the official narrative of Covid.
The bias is so fucking far in favor of nothing at all being wrong —- it stinks.
Understand that if you go google something about Covid or Vaccines you are going to get a very tailored and rinsed answer. That’s why the classic rebuttal of “source” or “evidence bro” is pretty frustrating.
We’ve laid out some sources and drops that we feel merit examination, but ultimately you’ll have to form your own conclusions on what is happening.
There’s two options here we think are feasible, in both instances you should understand it is critical to rely on HEAVY censorship and regulation of what info the public can see or get. Either:
Big Pharma pulled off the most elaborate psy op and money grab of all time, in which case, they don’t want you to know that’s what happened and will pay absurd amounts, bribe doctors, and get major governments on board to make sure it stays that way. In short - they need to keep up the propoganda to ensure the public doesn’t lose their shit
It was still a sloppy money and power grab, and the vaccines were rushed without much consideration for long term safety. Now that the potential truth is slowly leaking about how they were misrepresented and what the side effects might be, damage control is in full swing on the internet.
If you’ve been frustrated, perplexed, or just unsure of what transpired the last two years than this will be an excellent overview of where we stand. You deserve to know what’s going on.
We value everyone’s decision in the unprecedented events of the last several years and don’t blame anyone for decisions they made to keep jobs, protect family, or just try to make the right call.
But that won’t stop us from thinking critically and to be quite frank, what we are seeing with each new day adds confidence that we know something is fucky.
We’ve provided anecdotal evidence, extra resources for you to be more informed, and data to back up the fact, that everything is not what it seems.
We could be looking at some pretty serious impacts for public health.
Disclaimer - the following contains commentary and opinions on Covid 19, vaccines, and recent medical phenomenon and news. We feel strongly enough that the discussion absolutely needs to be had, but we understand it can be a very sensitive topic at the moment so want to try our best to give people a heads up. If you think reading about a different opinion on the topic would be uncomfortable or upsetting simply hold off.
Our intention is to make people more aware of what’s actually going on. You guys deserve to have all the information at your disposal to make your own assessments.