Well I thought we would do a book review for today but figured we can always do that between posts.
Why not touch on something super relevant with grave implications for all of humanity instead?
Artificial Intelligence, known as AI, is going to make incredible leaps forward in the next several years. Media and entertainment has already provided us with an endless list of AI inspired futuristic titles. iRobot, Bladerunner 2049, Ex Machina, Terminator films, Minority Report, Elysium, Chappie, Her, Archive, The Matrix, and Eagle Eye to name a few.
Now aside from you freaks out there who want to order the glizzy goblin 5,000 bussy mommy fully automated sex doll at first availability, some of us want to make sure we know the basics about AI as this new tech rolls out.
Once growth in the sector begins to increase exponentially given the computing power and capability of AI, we expect the train to leave the station very quickly.
You’re probably familiar with basic AI like SIRI or Google Voice, but scientists, developers, and academics have been working incredibly hard to expand upon existing AI capability and put forth models and bots that can address much larger complex use cases and services.
Suddenly it appears we are closing in on the threshold of AI faster than ever.
Film is one thing. But tools?
Tools that showcase early AI capability for generating images, answers, papers, information, and more are growing rapidly.
Everyones seen the Boston Dynamics robots dancing or running through an obstacle course.
Some may have seen Black Mirror’s killer robot dog episode as well.(known as the Metalhead).
The latest internet chatter has been about a new AI Tool known as Chat GPT and other similar tools that can generate images, context, text, answers, and more through AI technology.
In this post we’ll cover:
What is AI?
Where are we with AI Progression? Chat GPT overview, etc.
The dangers and upside of AI
How to benefit (stock picks, ETFs, and other ideas)
Fact of the matter is AI is going to become a more prolific and widespread piece of technology that could shape the future of humanity for better or for worse under certain conditions.
YOU should care because there’s the pending question of how AI interacts and shapes the workforce and job market of the future.
After all, 90% of jobs can eventually likely be automated in some capacity, which begs the question, what will elites and governments, or those who own the AI tech do with the millions of people who have been effectively rendered entirely useless by technology?
Technology that streamlines operations, doesn’t need maternity leave, doesn’t call out for sick days, or quit a job, and more importantly, technology that gets smarter and smarter over time as it works more and gains larger dat sets to benchmark it’s previous experiences with.
I likely don’t need to remind you of the potential money to be made from picking the right horses in the AI race.
With many AI tools and creations, development is typically exponential as systems and bots ingest more data points, context, and feedback. The profit will be exponential as well for those who position themselves to take advantage of AI bull runs.
We reccomend taking some time this year to examine how insulated your role is from getting replaced with AI.
Many people getting laid off this cycle will not have new roles waiting for them as tech advances, automation is adopted, and costs are kept down with lean AI backed systems.
“Anything that could give rise to smarter-than-human intelligence—in the form of Artificial Intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, or neuroscience-based human intelligence enhancement – wins hands down beyond contest as doing the most to change the world. Nothing else is even in the same league”
—Eliezer Yudkowsky