CPI Print
We’ll start today with quick coverage of the CPI print before moving into our geopolitical analysis of the events across North America in the last week.
On Wednesday CPI came out ar 6.4% YoY, est. 6.2%, prior 6.5%. CPI Ex Food and Energy 0.4% MoM, est. 0.4%, prior 0.4% CPI Ex Food and Energy 5.6% YoY, est. 5.5%, prior 5.7%.
All in all hotter than expectations but so far markets today have digested the news relatively well — with indices going negative during Tuesday close and the Dow losing some of it’s steam.
"While there were no major surprises in today's CPI reading, it is a reminder that while inflation has peaked it could be a while before we see it moderate to normal levels"
—Mike Loewengart, head of model portfolio construction at Morgan Stanley
This report is unlikely to convince the fed to back off of it’s tightening schedule and hawkish stance and we can likely expect additional 25bps hikes at the next several meetings.
Markets are just a bit boring at the moment, almost as if they are waiting confirmation to print much higher or continue in a long downward spiral.
But let’s pivot for this post to the pressing topic almost everyone in the US is focused on and confused by.
Is the US under attack?
Within recent days some pretty insane and quite honestly just bizzare things have transpired in the United State and North America and around the world.
In case you were hiding in a hole here’s a quick overview of what’s taken place in the last two weeks.
Including the Chinese Spy Balloon 3 additional UFOs have been shot down in North America in the last 96 hours with little details surrounding the incidents
3 Trains have been wrecked and derailed, 2 of which carried highly toxic chemicals in Ohio, Texas, and South Carolina
Evacuations are underway after a semi with hazardous materials tipped over in Tucson, AZ
Fighter jets from Canada and the United States were scrambled Monday night to intercept four Russian military aircraft as they buzzed North American airspace
Norwegian Intelligence reported yesterday that for the first time since the Cold War, Russia has begun deploying tactical nuclear weapons to their Northern Fleet warships
Though underreported, blackouts and internet issues have been widespread across the globe and the US for over a week now
There are a lot of odd occurrences happening one by one after each other. Many people are probably a bit on edge or scared and wondering what exactly is going on. The Pentagon and the Biden Administration have not said much about the other 3 UFOs and today we learned that there is no wreckage that was discovered from the 3 downings.
We think that this is all a bit too absurd to be believable.
Couple possibilities come to mind but we think there are two plausible explanations that we will walk through in today’a post. Unfortunately as lit as it would be we don’t believe it’s aliens at this point in time. bummer.
The first obvious reason is that the current administration and select government and non government entities need a large distraction to shift the public’s focus. After all, if you’ve been paying attention you’ll have noticed that there are some pretty high profile uncoverings, events, and controversies playing out at the moment with high visibility.
There’s a real possibility some of the items could eventually lead to some pretty substantial unrest and public rage.
But Andy, what do they need a distraction for?
Well how about:
The report insinuating the US blew up Nordstream (written by a pulitzer prize winning author who claims the CIA/Biden Admin did it) THIS ONE IS A BIG ONE.
Ukraine War Support (people are starting to question our $ and time given)
New Epstein Client Files Release (grave implications for high profile families and figures)
Laptop Story/Illegal Documents (Biden’s popularity is at an all time low)
A faltering economy/inflation/teetering market (Many are struggling to get by/layoffs mounting)
A wide open border/huge fentanyl crisis (Cartel and China have free access to our country/overwhelming amounts of illegal aliens)
Covid 19/ Vaccine Side Effects/ Pfizer Files (Enough said)
Twitter Files (DHS/CIA/FBI 2020 Election, etc.) (It’s been proven in senate hearings as of late and via Twitter Files releases that there is concerning collusion, suppression, and interference with public discourse, elections, social media, etc. Elon Musk takeover, etc.)
The first Chinese Spy Balloon that took a tour of our entire country un-accosted until it hit Myrtle beach, the dirtiest party town on the Eastern Seaboard (the Biden administration realizes how pissed off the American public was)
Objectively, even without political bias, there is much to run from at the moment and most of it becomes more and more damning with each passing week. The masses and everyday people are seeing the government and major institutions for what they are — liars and psychopaths that abused the Covid 19 Pandemic and lockdowns to make more money and gain more power. Now they may be trying to drag us into a global war.
The corruption is out in the open for most Americans to see now.
So what is actually going on?
We have several theories we will cover today.
If you’ve been reading Arb Letter regularly you know we cover natural and man made disaster prepping quite frequently, as we think every citizen should have some form of preparation in times like these. We are teetering closer and closer to war and substantial domestic unrest each day.
It’s not just the UFOs.
Due to recent events including the publicized theory brought forth by Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Sy Hersh, who has accused Joe Biden and the CIA of sabotaging the Nordstream pipeline, tension with Russia is at an all time high just as they are preparing yet another massive offensive in Ukraine. This has far reaching implications for our relationship with the Russians.
Russia may very well already consider us to be in a hot war if they believe we bombed Nordstream.
Do they want payback?
I would.
Is it that far fetched to think Russian or Chinese agents are derailing trains carrying toxic waste in the US? Or setting food processing plants and animal farms on fire?
No, it’s really not. Far from far fetched.
Are these actual UFOs? Distractions? Real Chinese or Russian craft? Or a mix of all of the above?
One thing’s for sure — nothing like this has ever happened in such rapid succession with little to no explanation from parties involved.
Has there been non stop wireless outages, internet problems, blackouts, and physical attacks on power sources in the US and around the world recently?
Yeah. There has been. And it’s hardly reported on at all in the mainstream media narrative.
Today we will cover the implications of these events and the impact it may have on you and everyone you know.
This is a serious post. Outside our financial markets and business coverage we feel it is incredibly important to keep people informed about the world around them so they can best navigate this life.
Students of history, critical thinkers, based size lords of tomorrow, and others understand there’s some serious fuckery happening globally and some very real threats to the US and all of our citizens with potentially grave outcomes for our nation and the world.
Let’s start by reviewing how truly bizzare the last 3 weeks has been and why you should be taking everything you see or hear at this point with a grain of salt.
Are you prepared if shit goes south quick?