Good morning chads, lords, queens, and disciples.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene — many things became obvious outside of the immediate need for aid and help to the people of that region. Many were unprepared for the utter chaos that has followed on the ground. Looting took place, individuals couldn’t get aid, food, or water due to obstructions by the storm and an entire region was turned upside down over night.
Now ANOTHER storm is head for Florida, a category 5 Hurricane with winds over 160mph. Many will be entirely unprepared for the incoming destruction.
But the spectrum of risks expands in the coming months beyond acts of nature. Social unrest will undoubtedly come during the election, the FBI and other entities have verified the growing threat of terrorism in the West, and political tension is at all time highs. History. American Water Works, which provides water to more than 14 million people, was hit by a "cyberattack” yesterday. As socio-economic tension grows and more and more bad actors pour through our Southern Border the capacity for unrest, disruption, and black swan events increases.
Most people are comically unprepared as a general rule of thumb. They glitch out at the first signs of conflict.
Those same people will fail to take any of the themes we cover today seriously until it is too late and that’s the hard truth, because of this, their odds of coming out of these situations on top are slim to none. They’ll lean into the corporate/establishment backed routine, thinking things could never get bad enough that they would have to ever need the skills, items, and concepts we will discuss today, which seem primitive and raw.
Prepping has received a bad rep in the last 20 years due to sensational stereotypes. Covid 19 woke a few people up to the sensibility of being prepared for societal disruptions. I suspect many more individuals will soon see the merit of being prepared as the world continues to change.
Today I want to centralize all of this information in one place for you for reference in the coming months.
This will be the last comprehensive post I do on this topic for a few reasons:
This space and content related to it are the target of censorship efforts by big tech and the powers that be. Might seem crazy but just by providing this type of information — you are likely getting flagged. Initially you might ask why? But it’s obvious — those who seek out ways to to become more self reliable and sovereign will always be threats to the nanny state bureaucratic government. By repeatedly touching on this I am putting a target on my online content — I’d rather just do this and get it over with.
I know most folks are here for financial markets and global news updates — so I want to ensure we maintain those posts for the core audience. Prepping and readiness is of great personal interest to me BECAUSE of the deteriorating social and political environment around us but I also understand not everyone wants to read about it every day.
That being said — I want to stress just how important the concepts in this guide today are going to be moving forward. Conflict at this point in the US and other Western countries is all but a guarantee now given the stakes of key elections and how divided politics and society has become. Instead of putting out pieces here and there — this will be the single source for finding all of my thoughts on these matters. i have spent the entire weekend compiling all available information I find helpful on prepping and being a ready citizen.
As a general disclaimer I am obviously not the top authority on these topics — because of that I have provided MY approach AND referenced books, resources, and sites that are generally considered to be the best references for prepping, readiness, and ensuring you are squared away for whatever may happen. I have put the best in one place so you can refer back to this guide when need be in the coming months and years. You can find that link towards the end of the post today.
Here is the outline of what we will cover today and what you can find in today’s guide:
General Considerations for the Current Environment
Official Forecast for Fall 2024/Beginning of 2025
Water Purification & Methods
Top filtration devices
Best storage methods
Consideration for worst case scenarios
Food & Food Storage
Best items for long term storage
Best methods for storing food
Best long term food/emergency food suppliers
Radio & Communications Capability
How to make sure you can reach emergency services
Basic radio recommendations for emergencies
Farraday bags and preventative cyber tips
How to program a radio for emergency situations
First Aid & Health Considerations
Tourniquets, trauma gear
Basic items to have on hand
Defensive Capability & Firearm Recommendations
Defensive essentials
Top firearm brands, companies, and sellers
Contingency plans depending on where you live - city, suburbs, country
If you take in the concepts covered in today’s guide you will far ahead of other people who choose to simply ignore what our environment is telling us. The content in here is valuable, just reading through it and taking small steps will be large bounds for most people.
You hedge positions in financial markets and monitor risk — why wouldn’t you do that in life as well? It’s not fringe or alarmist — it’s simply pragmatic and logical. Too many people think they will not see the effects and ramifications of low societal trust and growing tension within Western countries — this is a mistake.
It’s all cyclical — we are not exempt from these trends.
Gain an edge by covering and considering the basics. I am available through the Substack live chat if you have any questions about all of the content and specifics we will walk through today.
General Considerations for the Current Environment
My dogma or methodology for prepping in the United States in 2024 — is to simply be ready for the widest range of outcomes possible. As I’ve said before in recent years prepping has become more popular because people are seeing institutions break down, social trust plummet, and they are losing faith in those who lead us.
I wouldn’t even call it prepping at this point, I would just call it living in a conscious and sovereign way, one in which you are prepared for all possible outcomes while taking into consideration your surroundings and the context of society depending on where you live.
It’s nearly impossible to predict what exactly might happen in the US or Western countries that could be disruptive — though you don’t have to do too much thinking to speculate on what could be coming: